Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
It rained today so two things happened.
Beatrice hid under the couch. I had to squeeze my arm under there to pet and comfort her.
And Mr Turtle's triumphant return!
Oh, and go check out my sister-in-law, Ginger's,
blog for
pictures from her trip to High Falls.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sleepy does this and seems to really enjoy it when I mimic her. She starts purring really loudly and twitches her paws at me. It's pretty funny.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
I said I'd make up some missed pictures so here they are. Did you know take out orders from Chili's come with the best cat toy ever?
Sleepy was first.
Black Kitty and Trudy were interested while Sleepy was inside.
Trudy joined Sleepy.
Trudy checking for other kitties interested in the party.
Black Kitty waited until everyone else left to try it out.
Trudy tried to collapse it on Black Kitty.
Trudy peaking out while Black Kitty looks on.
It was a big hit until Trudy got too rambunctious and wore a bag cape for a couple of circles around the room. For all she knew that big thing was trying to get her!
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Sunday, June 27, 2010
This is a picture that was taken of my beautiful wife, Ami. She is my rock, as cliche as that may sound. She's my world.
Yesterday she wore short sleeves in public for the first time in years. She has psoriasis and has been imprisoned in long sleeves and pants for a very long time. This act that we take or granted was a big step for her. It gives the world a glimpse of the pain that she endures daily and has endured since she was 18.
I love you baby, and I'm very proud.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Ginger came up and got some of her birthday goodies today. She got a TomTom XL GPS and her husband Larry's actual helmet that he had in the Army! That was cool! Ami also made her a great shadowbox/book that was really beautiful. We went out to eat at Chili's and Ginger paid with a gift card she'd had in her wallet for 3 years! We then went to Walmart (ugh) to pick up some stuff and I saw this.
Really Gillette? Really? It lights up and the razor spins around slowly. Wow.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Saturday, June 26, 2010
We got some much needed rain tonight. It's still way too hot.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I missed two days in a row due to illness! Sorry folks! I'll make it up with some extra pictures in the future.
I thought the shadows cast by this leaf were beautiful and I love the sharp contrast in black and white.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Monday, June 21, 2010
My picture of the day is of my home screen on my iPhone. I upgraded to iOS 4 today and after having to do a complete restore I was back in business.
It's really nice to finally be able to stream music from Pandora while I'm checking Facebook!
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Sunday, June 20, 2010
We went down to Oglethorpe today to visit the families. While we were down there we took some pictures of "downtown" Oglethorpe; Ami with the DSLR and me with the TLR. We'll have to wait to see how mine turn out.
On the way out and on the way back I took some pictures with my iPhone using good ol' Hipstamatic.
Coogle Road. It used to be a cement road but now it's black topped. It's kind of sad. I miss the thump-thump thump-thump of driving down it.
This is the road I grew up on. It's called Jake Smith road but to me it'll always just be "the dirt road".
This is the other side of Coogle Road where the dirt road crosses over. Down this road lies Ms McClendon's house. She was a very sweet lady that I'd do chores for sometimes.
This is a dark shot of a place we used to call "Snakey Hollow" as kids. It always looks like you'd step on a snake if you walked down there.
Sunset in Macon County. Sometimes I miss it, but I think I just miss the people.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
I got my shaving cream sampler from The Shave Den today!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tonight Trudy was playing with the kitten in the mirror. It was precious.
I also took some pictures of Beatrice's stripes. They're so intricate and beautiful.
I also got some of Trudy's stripes. They are completely different. Kind of a fingerprint/swirl pattern with two racing stripes down the middle. I call them her "rally stripes".
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I was looking for Beatrice and found her in one of her favorite hiding spots. This cat just loves to hide!
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
We went over to Barnes and Noble tonight to pick up something and I snapped a shot with my iPhone. The angle and the way the building is designed makes this look like a wide angle shot.
I love book stores. I love books. Therefore I really can't see myself buying a Nook or Kindle or whatever other kind of e-reader but I did play with a Nook while we were there. I came away with a one word impression: slow. It was slow to react, slow to display a page, slow to turn a page. Ugh, e-readers just aren't there yet. Besides, I like having an overflowing bookshelf.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Ami told me to grab the camera and get these shots. Trudy was so striking against the red rug.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Monday, June 14, 2010
Trudy was showing out in her Amazon box today.
Ami got this one that I thought was hilarious.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I took a chance and took the camera out today to take a picture and it turned out just like I feared. The lens immediately fogged up as did the rest of the camera. The heat and humidity were brutal today and are supposed to be worse tomorrow.
I wiped the lens and took a picture of the remaining rooster in his perch. Now that we know he sleeps here I'm hoping that he can be caught and go off to his permanent home.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Saturday, June 12, 2010
This post is about taking dark, grainy pictures and turning them into something interesting with sepia and black and white.
Today was too hot to do anything outside. The humidity combined with the heat made it feel like 105. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter, so no outside picture tomorrow either.
Trudy was asleep on my chest so I got some pictures with my iPhone.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wow, 200th post!
Today at lunch we went over to Sam's to pick up some stuff. While there I saw something RIDICULOUS!
This is Sam's. These are wholesale prices, probably the cheapest per unit price you can get.
Gillette Sensor blades. 2 blades, a little plastic, came out when I was in high school in the early 90s.
Yeah, $37 for 25 of them. Almost $1.50 each. They probably cost about $.05 each to make.
I didn't see the price for the Mach 3s. I imagine it was more than the Sensors. The Fusion cartridges are $42 for 16 of them. That works out to $2.63 EACH!!
Now there's the new razor Gillette has put out, the Fusion Pro Glide.
Yes you see that right.
$48 for the razor and 16 cartridges. They're mostly plastic with a tiny bit of metal for 5 blades. That works out to $3 FOR EACH CARTRIDGE!!!! At that price I'm going to assume they give you the razor itself for free.
If you're sick of spending this much on shaving please refer to my
older posts about shaving!!!
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I caught Trudy trying to get some beauty sleep with Baby tonight.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Recently I've been wanting to find out about my family lineage on my Dad's side. I didn't (and still don't) know much about them past my grandparents. I found out from a friend (thanks Michael) how to access census records without having to go to the library.
I found my Grandmother in the 1910 census with my great grandfather, great grandmother, and great uncle. My grandmother was 2 months old. I didn't know that this uncle even existed.
The 1920 census. My grandmother was 9. My great uncle James didn't make it to the 1920 census.
Then I found my great grandfather on my dad's side in the 1920 census.
This is really exciting for me. Some of these people I didn't even know existed.
I called my Aunt Nina tonight and we talked about some of this. She told me that she was the 10th of 10 children. She was born on May 24th 1928 and her mother died on June 7th. I knew she had died when she was young but I didn't know how young. My dad told me that when my Aunt Nina was born her father wanted to give her up but my grandmother fought for her and made him keep her. It's stories like that that I want to discover.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I'm a tugboat captain! Toot toot!
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Monday, June 7, 2010
I came into the living room today and saw this.
I had to get a picture. It's really adorable when she uses something as a pillow and I FINALLY got a picture of her doing it before she could wake up and walk away.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The process of Trudy waking up.
Dazed bewilderment:
Attack prep: