I wanted to see the difference in the ISO capabilities and image
quality of the NEX-5 and NEX-5N, so I set up a tripod and shot a series
of shots from each in RAW+JPEG to see the differences. I chose a scene
in my house to show color reproduction and detail that also had some
straight lines to also show distortion from the 18-55mm kit lens. I used
Program mode and just adjusted the ISO. I left the lens at 18mm for each shot.
First, is the NEX-5's Auto JPEG. I corrected for lens distortion in Lightroom. The NEX-5 chose ISO 800, 1/30 at f/3.5.
From 5 test |
Here's the 5N's Auto JPEG. I didn't have to correct anything since the 5N has built in distortion correction on JPEGs. The 5N chose ISO 2000, 1/60 at f/4.0.
From 5n test |
Just to show the barrel distortion, here's the auto JPEG from the 5 without lens correction.
From 5 test |
I did the lens correction for the remaining shots.
Here's the 5's Auto shot in RAW.
From 5 test |
Here's the 5N's Auto shot in RAW.
From 5n test |
ISO 100 JPEG from 5N. The 5's ISO sensitivity starts at 200, so nothing to compare here, but I just wanted to include it.
From 5n test |
ISO 100 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 200 JPEG from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 200 JPEG from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 200 RAW from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 200 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 400 JPEG from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 400 JPEG from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 400 RAW from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 400 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 800 JPEG from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 800 JPEG from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 800 RAW from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 800 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 1600 JPEG from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 1600 JPEG from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 1600 RAW from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 1600 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 3200 JPEG from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 3200 JPEG from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 3200 RAW from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 3200 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 6400 JPEG from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 6400 JPEG from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 6400 RAW from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 6400 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 12800 JPEG from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 12800 JPEG from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 12800 RAW from the 5.
From 5 test |
ISO 12800 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
That's where the 5's ISO sensitivity tops out. The 5N continues though.
ISO 25600 JPEG from the 5N.
From 5n test |
ISO 25600 RAW from the 5N.
From 5n test |
I hope this is helpful to someone!
I just want to take this opportunity to thank Amin Sabet from the Talk NEX forums for the NEX-5N giveaway that allowed me to have the NEX-5N. I really love the camera and the community of those forums!
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