Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Friday, April 30, 2010
Today Sleepy had to put on her sweater because she was cold. Ami helped her put it on and Black Kitty tried to console her because she was none too happy about it.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
My favorite barbecue sauce is the tangy Carolina style. It has a vinegar base and it's quite tangy. It's hard to find around here but there's one place that has it: Georgia South Barbecue in Barnesville, GA. I like to get up there when I can because they also have great Brunswick Stew.
We found these chips in Kroger tonight and they taste like taking a plain Lay's chip and dipping it in their stew. They're awesome.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I decided to see what the Light Scoop can do in total darkness. I took out a 120mm film roll and sat it on the porch at around 10PM which is nice and dark this time of year. It took a few shots but I was able to get the camera to finally focus in near pitch darkness. I like the result. I do have a white ceiling on the porch to bounce light off of so your results may vary.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Loaded a new roll of film into the Yashica and the wrapper really struck me. There's something special about loading film into a camera now that I'm so used to digital. The wait for my prints is actually nerve wracking. I'm dying to know how they're going to turn out.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Monday, April 26, 2010
We went downtown for a few things today and we took our first roll of pictures through the Yashica! I stopped by Coke's Camera downtown and bought some film and the nice guy at the counter showed me how to load the film and showed me some darkroom chemicals and equipment. I'm going to have to get into developing my own negatives. We dropped of the film and it'll be ready in 3 to 5 days! I'm so spoiled by digital.
Ami took a lot of great pictures with the Sony SLR and I took some pictures with my iPhone when I wasn't shooting with the Yashica. I post processed them like crazy to get some cool looks. Forgive the duplicates, I just liked the different versions.
Temple Beth Israel
St Joseph's Catholic Church
First Baptist Church of Christ
Running man
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I'm hoping to get some shots with both of these tomorrow. I'll at least be able to post some pictures from one of them.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Saturday, April 24, 2010
New (to us) camera day! I've been wanting a twin lens reflex camera for a while because I just thought they were cool and took cool pictures. I'd been watching eBay for a long time and finally this Yashica showed up for a good price so I snagged it.
It's an LM, I think, but the name plate has come off. I'm going by the light meter and flip-up-but-not-there-anymore nameplate. It has Yashicor lenses instead of Yashicon which the LM should have from what I've read so I have no idea. If it is an LM like I think it was made in either 1956 or 1957.
I've seen people take pictures through TLR viewfinders on Flickr and it's harder than I thought it'd be.
We're going to go by Coke's Camera and try to pick up some 120mm black and white film and try it out. From what I'm reading (and remembering from Industrial Arts class in high school) developing black and white film isn't too hard. I'd like to at least develop the film and scan it even if I don't transfer it to photographic paper. I'm excited to see what it can do!
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Friday, April 23, 2010
Lately I've been getting back into playing my ukes. I've been picking them up randomly during the day and just playing while I'm thinking on a problem with work. It's really soothing for me and Ami. It's good that they hang right over my desk.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I mentioned Beatrice's milk ring stash today on Facebook so I thought I'd take a picture of it. It has had many more milk rings than this.
It's like she's going for an Olympics symbol there.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
I don't write about this stuff too often.
I like to get these packages.
All nice and fed.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Today I caught a couple of our feral cats out by the water dish. I really wish I could put my hands on them if for nothing else but to take care of them.
This is Ewok. She was so named because as a kitten she looked like one. She's Beatrice's cousin and you can probably see the resemblance.
This is Bottlebrush. He's the cranky old man of the group and probably baby-daddy to half the cats in the neighborhood. He's a gorgeous cat.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Monday, April 19, 2010
I got linked from the Light Scoop fan page on Facebook! Welcome, everybody!
Today we got our MyRate device from Progressive. I've been interested in the program for a while but we weren't eligible until our renewal earlier in the month. Since I'm a gadget nerd that likes to see the unboxing of gadgets on blogs, I did one for the MyRate device.
For size reference.
I installed it at lunch which was simple. Just plug it into the ODB port under the dash and you're done. You can monitor what it picks up from the Progressive website. It can save us up to 25% on our premium, so I thought it'd be good to try out. I'll post here when I know how it works out.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I was playing around with the Light Scoop just trying to see what lighting effects I could get from bouncing the light off of different things. Here's what I got.
This is off the ceiling, right above the bowl.
Far left wall. It's about 8 feet away.
A white cabinet directly to the right.
The white cabinet to the right and about 3 feet behind me.
I'm really liking what it can do. If you get creative with where you're bouncing your light you can get some really neat effects.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
I'm late yet again! This is what I was seeing while l was lying in bed with a stomach ache. I'd like to think she was worried about me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Another Hipstamatic post? Yeah, I'm afraid so. I promise I won't make a habit of it.
I took this one behind Dairy Queen and was pleased with how it turned out.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I finally broke down and got Hipstamatic for my iPhone. If you don't know what it is, it's a camera program that makes your pictures look like they were taken with different films, lenses, and flashes. It really works well. The iPhone's camera continues to surprise me.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
I was going to post a picture of Ami and Kristi tonight because Kristi came over and did some scrapping with Ami but the pictures I took didn't turn out well. Instead, we have a picture of a new box that has made its way into our house and has been taken over.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Are the azaleas are looking greener already or is it just my imagination?
From my iPhone:
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Monday, April 12, 2010
Got the azaleas planted! I'm pooped!
Excuse the not so great picture.
Posted by
Brian Godfrey
Sunday, April 11, 2010
We went to Lowe's tonight and picked up some Wakaebisu azaleas for $1.97 each! We also got some garden soil, mulch, and weed and feed. I'm really looking forward planting the azaleas tomorrow in the shady back corner of the yard. It really needs something back there. The weed and feed seems to help with the weed problem, too, so maybe we'll have a good looking yard this year!